
  • 型號: LNewYear001
  • 歌手名字: Luk Bo 陸寶
  • 音樂類型: wav


賀年音樂版權使用優惠計劃 - 賀年e-CARD

年近歲晚,傳遞賀年E-CARD, 迎 接新的一年,事事順景,是各位及各大公司願意之事情。若E-CARD配合應節之賀年音樂,必定錦上添花,讓人更加感受到節慶氣氛,倍感親切。

本公司現推出賀年音樂版權使用優惠計劃,配合貴 公司之賀年E-CARD設計服務,使貴 公司之各尊貴客戶更加深深地體現增值服務之優越性。

只要參加以下其中計劃,便可於計劃期內無限次使用5首賀年音樂之任何30秒內容,各尊貴客戶可以無拘束地隨時發放貴 公司度身訂做之e-card:


  • 計劃一:
    -- 1年年費 HKD$1,000.00;
    -- 包括5首賀年音樂使用版權;

  • 計劃二:
    -- 2年年費 HKD$1,600.00;
    -- 包括5首賀年音樂使用版權;

  • 計劃三:
    -- 3年年費 HKD$2,000.00;
    -- 包括5首賀年音樂使用版權;

** 即時訂購,即時享用。
** 如即時訂購額外三年,只需HKD$1,500.00,優惠多至半價以上,請緊記選擇上列額外優惠(另加三年),即時享受優惠。

    General Terms
    You or Your company as our registered customer agrees the following conditions upon making the purchase of any plan listed above:
  1. that you are permitted to include not more than 30 seconds of any licensed soundwork in your e-card to form a Musical e-card;
  2. that your customer can freely distribute the designated Musical e-card in original layout designed by you;
  3. that your customer cannot resell the Musical e-card and you are responsible to notify your customer this condition;
  4. that your customer cannot modify the Musical e-card and re-distribute the modified Musical e-card in any way or method and you are responsible to notify your customer this condition;
  5. that you do not have the right to sub-license any part of the soundworks to any person or any party;
  6. that you do not have the right to transfer the license to any person or any party;
  7. that the license is granted to one web-site; that means, if you holds multiple websites providing e-card service, you need multiple licenses.
  8. that license is non-exclusive;
  9. that our company reserves all right of the soundworks;
  10. that this agreement will terminate upon the day after the expiry day of the purchased period;
  11. that this agreement will automatically terminate upon breach of any condition of the General Terms by you;



