HERE’S TO BEN ~ Jacintha ~ AQCD
A Vocal Tribute To Ben Webster
Groove Note
Jacintha 擇仙花 貼身又嬌嗲的爵士女聲
由混音大師 Bernie Grundman 親自負責後製作業
AQCD Technology中心負責壓制紫銀合金碟
★日本權威雜誌 Hi Vi 最佳音樂軟體
★美國 CES 大展最暢銷 CD
★德國Domino最佳 CD
★英國Vivante London最佳 CD
Jacintha這位讓人目瞪口呆的女歌手來自新加坡,母親是中國人,而父親則是印度人,血液中有著天賦的歌唱才華,她的嗓音有一種非常高貴的品味。 Jacintha從小習唱,並學習鋼琴和吉他等樂器。8O年代涉足爵士樂界,並開始在美國各種音樂節上嶄露頭角。她的聲音酷似大名鼎鼎的前輩女歌手雪莉· 荷恩,嗓音慵懶、溫暖又不失明晰甜美,極檀長演唱那種慢得似乎要讓的間停止的 動人歌曲,並在每個拉長的音符中賦予聽者直入心田的深沉顫動。在本碟的單數段落, 就幾乎都是這樣能給人帶來感動和嘆息的超級慢歌,一些非常熟悉的班·韋伯斯特名 曲經她一唱,立刻擁有罌粟般的魔力,讓人欲仙欲死。
最出彩的還是本碟的錄音,全部采用模擬錄音,動用了德國 Neumann M49 真空管麥克風拾音,ATR-100錄音機直錄,AudioQuest 的頂級線材過線。在這張AQCD上不難察覺到音場起了顯著的變化,寬度、深度、高度都有明顯擴張,現場感豐富,音像的質感、結像及立體感有極大的改善,Jacintha的立體化更是達至史無前例的震驚!Stardust一曲中清唱時的空氣感、余韻與堂音豐富到無與倫比。In The Wee Small Hours Of Morning立體至整個人形有態的站在你面前,The Look Of Love這首Casino Royyale皇家賭場由Dusty Springfield原唱的一曲音效至為厲害,Jacintha既貼身又嗲到出神入化的聲線,Darek Oles的牛筋如深海暗湧地暗暗彈出,如果背景不是非常的靜,此牛筋可能變成隱形重放不出來。當然中段的Tenor Saxophone感性演繹也令此曲生色萬分,相比之下,XRCD2的錄音令音樂整體生動起來,音質之美比起LP有過而無不及,簡直是和當今最高水平的 LP平起平坐,再加上叫人回味無窮的余韻,抑揚變化的起敏銳反應,比以往的CD多了一份迷人色彩,也頓感其他CD錄音比較沉悶。AQCD公司的AQCD技術處理界面使AQCD達至CD數碼史上空前高峰。而這張碟對於發燒友用來試系統女聲更是很到位的。
1. Georgia On My Mind (Gorrell-Carmichael/BMI) 5:17
2. Our Love Is Here To Stay (George & Ira Gershwin/ASCAP) 3:17
3. Tenderly (Lawrence-Gross/ASCAP) 5:22
4. Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Harburg-Allen/ASCAP) 9:39
5. How Long Has This Been Going On? (George & Ira Gershwin/ASCAP) 5:25
6. Stardust (Parish-Carmichael/ASCAP) 6:37
7. In The Wee Small Hours Of Morning (Hilliard-Mann/ASCAP) 4:12
8. Pennies From Heaven (Burke-Johnston/ASCAP) 3:10
9. Danny Boy (Weatherly/ASCAP) 7:21
10. The Look Of Love (Audiophile Bonus Cafe) (Bacharach-David/ASCAP) 4:07
C 2010 nMusic Limited P Groove Note Records
Manufactured and Produced by nMusic Ltd. under license from Analog Archive Pte. Ltd.
Marketed by Fung Hang Record Ltd.
All right reserved. Duplication is prohibited by law.
Nano Music and AQCD are trademarks of nMusic Ltd and AQCD Technology Co. respectively.
AQCD - the new standard in compact disc technology
AQCD Technology Company proudly presents the Analog Quality Compact Disc, in short AQCD. The objective of AQCD is to achieve “analog” quality sonics through the use of a specially-formulated purple polycarbonate scientifically proven to improve transparency relative to the red laser beam. In addition, instead of the standard aluminum sputtering, a special silver-alloy is used as the material for the reflective layer. Another important factor is that AQCD Technology Company is one of few companies in the world able to achieve near-perfect ECCENTRICITY . It is two and a half times better than the ‘yellow book spec’ set by Phillips. When played in optical disc transports AQCDs exhibit more stability, with better ECC; achieving a much improved, near precise reading of the digital data. A more accurate reading of the data results in less jitter and most importantly, a better, “analog” sounding disc. AQCDs are redbook standard CDs produced using the most advanced pressing technology and are fully compatible with all CD players.
Producer: Joe Harley
Co-Producer: Ying Tan
Executive Producers: Ying Tan and Sebastian Koh
Engineer: Michael C. Ross
Assistant Engineer: Johnson Sorenson
Mastering: Bernie Grundman, using the Sony Direct Stream Digital System
Album Photography: Joseph D’Alessio
Jacintha Hair & Make-UP: Barbara Leister
Graphic Design: Kathleen Blakistone
Liner Note: Bill Kohlhaase
Jacintha Management: Springroll Creative Entertainment Agency (Singapore)
Vocals: Jacintha
Tenor Saxophone: Teddy Edwards
Piano: Kei Akagia
Bass: Darek Oles
Drums: Larance Marable
Adam Roper, Stevie Wonder and all the wonderful folks at Wonderland, Ruzita and Jimmy Wee at Springroll, Lim Kay Tong for the loan of all his Ben Webster CDs, Claris at Ocean Way, Steve Gerard, Boon and Fred Church.
Technical Info:
This record was originally recorded live-to-two-track. The tape machine was an ATR-100 running at 30 ips with BASF-900 1/4” high resolution tape. A vintage Neuman M-49 tube microphone was used for Jacintha’s voice. The original analog master tape was transferred to Sony’s Direct Stream Digital System by Bernie Grundman using DSD converters designed by Ed Meitner of EMM Labs.